The first Moving Target System delivered was a ‘Manual Running Man’ to satisfy USMC requirements in support of KD ranges (with no power at the range butts). This innovative system was adaptable to the protective overhang at the markers gallery and features carriers that can be folded out of the way when not in use, and even removed or installed from the track without tools. Although innovative in its own right, other customer requirements have lead us to further development of Moving Target Systems, including an electrically powered ‘Running Man’ which can fielded as a stand-alone systems or integrated with Electric or Pneumatic actuators in Multi-Purpose (multi-lane) Target arrays. Our product family of moving targets is rounded out by the more recent fielding of the Remote (controlled) Multi-Engagement (trackless moving) Target System (RMET).

We can offer moving personnel targets configured to satisfy most any training requirement, and fit for operation in coastal, desert, jungle, mountain, and even arctic training environments.

Patriot Products RMET-15MP Robot

Patriot Products RMET-15T Robot

Patriot Products RMET-10 Robot

Patriot Multi-Purpose Electronic Target System